My MS Recess

I have been giving this blog a lot of thought recently. A lot of thought because while I am struggling with Mom’s MS, I am also trying to retain a positive outlook on life. I am trying to cope with the struggles of this disease and the progression of it without allowing the negativity of that to overtake my thoughts.  I feel like in a lot of ways this blog has become a negative place for me recently because that is how I have felt. But at the same time, I need it to also be a positive place. A place I enjoy coming outside of my daily world to lose myself with myself- my experiences, my struggles, my funny moments.

I need it to be my MS Recess. 

I thought about starting a new separate blog but then I realized I needed to just live up to the name I gave this one when I started it..almost like I was foreshadowing how I was going to deal with Mom’s MS..I just didn’t know it. Since recess is often considered a break in the day, this blog needs to be my break in the day. The break where I can vent my frustrations or share some laughs. A place that can be serious or silly. A place where I share more of who I am both as I deal with Mom’s MS but also share more just as I just live my life. Because it is all intertwined whether I like it or not…both portions are part of who I am. How I manage the background feelings that are always there about Mom’s MS while also managing my own life as a 29 year old outside of Mom’s MS.

To try to overcome the negative, I have decided to mix in some “me posts.” Show who I am, show my life but not sugarcoat the moments of struggle. Because I am struggling. A lot. I also recognize I need to find a way to fight it and I think this may be a good trial- to see if this is a good place and a good way to do it.

So on this Sunday evening- here is a glimpse into what is making me smile:


This afternoon at the grocery store, I left Husband standing in line as I boldly proclaimed-I need to buy myself some candy corn in honor of the Halloween season. I happen to have quite an affinity for candy corn and every week as I have done my grocery shopping for the past month I have made up an excuse about “why I don’t need it.” Today I finally gave in and bought it- and not only the taste but the nostalgia of it has made me smile all evening long!

Any thoughts on my new approach to this blog? Is there a particular seasonal treat that makes you smile? Candy corn seems to be so polarizing- people either love it or hate it. Which camp do you fall into? Husband is not a fan.